Biochar Could Help Boost Yields, Improve Soil Health
by Forrest Laws for Farm Press, March 18th, 2025
Looking for a way to increase yields without breaking the bank?

Trent Roberts, left, professor at the University of Arkansas, and Dustin Bolton, a rice, cotton, soybean, wheat and milo farmer from Arkansas, were speakers at the National Conservation Systems Cotton and Rice Conference. Forrest Laws.Forrest Laws
Who isn’t. Biochar, a carbon-rich byproduct of burning vegetation, may be an answer – if all the stars line up, and it becomes more commercially viable.
Studies have shown applying biochar as a soil amendment can increase yields in crops like corn, according to Trent Roberts, professor and soil fertility specialist with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.
By Mark Segal for ESG Today, January 16th, 2025

Google announced that is has signed the largest-ever biochar-based carbon removal agreements, with two new 100,000 tonne deals to buy carbon removal credits from India-based Varaha and California-based Charm Industrial, for a total of 200,000 tonnes by 2030
Biochar, or biological charcoal, is produced by heating biomass, such as forest residue, wood or crop waste, in the absence of oxygen, creating a stable form of carbon, which when buried in soil enables centuries-long carbon sequestration, in addition to leading to improved soil fertility.
AWWA-AMWA Statement On
Filing PFAS Opening Brief
Water Online News, October 10th, 2024
Today the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) filed the organizations’ opening brief with the United States Court of Appeals in the case of AWWA vs. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), related to EPA’s final drinking water regulation for six per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Legal Challenge: The American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) have filed a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals challenging the EPA’s final drinking water regulation for six PFAS substances
Study Finds (PFAS) Forever Chemicals
Are More Toxic As Mixtures
Water Online News, October 7th, 2024
A first-of-its-kind study has measured the toxicity of several types of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), better known as “forever chemicals,” when mixed together in the environment and in the human body.

The good news: Most of the tested chemicals’ individual cytotoxicity and neurotoxicity levels were relatively low.
The bad news: the chemicals acted together to make the entire mixture toxic.
PhD student Karla Ríos-Bonilla (left) and Diana Aga, director of the UB RENEW Institute, are authors on a study that assessed the mixture toxicity of forever chemicals.
Startling investigation exposes mountains of toxic sludge threatening America's food chain: 'People are scared to death'
By Tina Deines for The Cool Down, September 28th, 2024
A fertilizer used for decades by U.S. farms contains toxic chemicals that are being blamed for halting agricultural operations, killing animals, and endangering our food supply.

Across the United States, farmers have long been encouraged by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to spread municipal sewage onto their fields as a fertilizer. However, new research has shown that this "black sludge" can contain high concentrations of PFAS, also known as forever chemicals, The New York Times reported.
Research Grants for Understanding PFAS Uptake and Bioaccumulation in Plants and Animals in Agricultural, Rural, and Tribal Communities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - RESEARCH GRANTS September 4th, 2024
EPA awarded over $15 million in grant funding to ten institutions for research to reduce per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) exposure from food and protect our farmland and farming communities.

These community-engaged research projects will collect PFAS bioaccumulation data in agricultural plants and livestock and explore strategies for reducing PFAS exposure, which are important parts of EPA’s commitment to protecting human health and the environment from PFAS.
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Sooke Council Seeks Clarity on CRD Biosolids Plan
by Kevin Laird Sooke News Mirror, British Columbia, Canada - July 11th, 2024
Many Municipalities Seeking to Convert Biosolidsto Biochar and Biofuels

The CRD (Capital Regional District) produced more than 2,900 tonnes of biosolids last year, with most disposed of at the Hartland Landfill and a portion sent to a quarry near Nanaimo... This year, the CRD board approved a three-tiered approach to its long-term biosolids management plan... The first tier — and preferred long-term solution — is establishing an advanced thermal processing plant at Hartland Landfill that converts biosolids into biochar or biofuel.
A handful of biosolids after processing. Sooke council is requesting a CRD presentation on it biosolids policy as the community raises environmental concerns. (Courtesy of GHD/Long-Term Biosolids Beneficial Use Option Analysis)
EPA Designates Two ‘Forever Chemicals’ as Hazardous Substances
By Mira Cheng, CNN Friday, April 19th 2024

Environmentalists say the EPA’s announcement is a good start, but groups like the U.S. PIRG Education Fund and Environment America Research and Policy Center have called on the EPA to ban the entire class of PFAS chemicals. There are more than 12,000 forms of PFAS chemicals in the environment.
“No one should have to worry in 2024 about whether their well water, farm produce or even clothing is contaminated with toxic chemicals, but unfortunately that’s the reality for millions of Americans,” Lisa Frank, executive director of Environment America Research and Policy Center’s Washington office, said in a statement. “This announcement is a critical step toward getting PFAS out of our waterways and making polluters pay. Now, we need to turn off the tap on toxic PFAS everywhere.”
‘No more beach closures’: Mexico breaks ground on long-awaited wastewater treatment plant
by Tammy Murga, The San Diego Union-Tribune, January 11th, 2024
Officials say plant will dramatically reduce the discharge ofsewage that has fouled San Diego and Tijuana shorelines.

U.S. and Mexican officials celebrate the groundbreaking for the San Antonio de Los Buenos Wastewater Treatment Plant in Tijuana on Thursday.(Ana Ramirez/The San Diego Union-Tribune)

The San Antonio de Los Buenos Wastewater Treatment Plant has been inoperable for years and will be rebuilt. (Ana Ramirez/The San Diego Union-Tribune)
The Race to Destroy the Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Polluting Our World
by Senay Boztas , The Guardian, January 4th, 2024
As countries work to ban more and more PFAS,focus is shifting to how to remove the ones already out there

International efforts to remove existing PFAS
Challenges and costs of removing PFAS
Novel ultrasound chemical debonding treatment of PFAS introduced
International legislation, lawsuits and agreements for controlling PFAS
Swimmers plunge into the water for the traditional new year's swim in Scheveningen, Netherlands, where PFAS have been found in the sea foam. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images
Get your local Biosolids News Published here on Biosolids News - OUTREACH
Contact Tony Gerillo, Managing Editor at tgerillo@pacificadvanced.com (916) 947-2865
Poop Processing Plant Coming to Indiantown (FL). Will it Reduce Fertilizer Water Pollution?
by Katie Delk, Treasure Coast Newspapers, December 26th, 2023
Indiantown will be home to the first biosolids processing plant of its kind in Florida, designed to convert treated human waste into concrete, fertilizer and irrigation water. Sedron Technologies plans to lease 3 acres — with the potential for expansion.
The size, cost and timetable for the plant are unknown, Sedron Technologies Chief Revenue Officer Stanley Janicki told TCPalm. The plant is expected to process about 225,000 wet tons of Class B biosolids and 40,000 wet tons of Class AA biosolids, according to a Sedron Technologies email TCPalm obtained.
Florida Legislature Passes CS/CS/HB 1405 (link) Biosolids Grant Program into Law
Communities Across America are Aware of and Speaking Out
About Land Application and Landfilling of of Municipal Wastewater Sludge Biosolids
Missouri Environmental Group Hosts Anti-Sludge Event
Attended by Missouri State Senators Jill Carter and Mike Moon and Representative Dick Deaton
FAIRVIEW -- The environmental group S.L.U.D.G.E., or Stop Land Use Damaging our Ground and Environment, hosted an event on Friday, Nov. 10, to educate residents on the negative impact of storage lagoons in Fairview and Longview. Its goal is to stop the spread of biosolids and other forms of waste labeled as "fertilizer" from being distributed by companies such as Denali Water Solutions and Synagro.
How can Colorado attack “forever chemicals” tainting military soil? School of Mines is leading the way to find out.
by Michael Booth, The Colorado Sun, November 13th, 2023
Nine different techniques for getting PFAS out of toxic dirt will be tested next year at Schriever Space Force Base near Colorado Springs

A look at fixing the problem
PFAS soil contamination and remediation
PFAS health and environmental impacts
PFAS regulation and testing
PFAS research and solutions
Environmental & Biological HazardToxic "Forever Chemicals"
Are You Aware of PFAS? If Not, You Should Be
by Tony Gerillo, Managing Editor - Biosolids News - OUTREACH, November 7th, 2023
PFAS is used in manufacturing many of today’s consumer products.It is in everything from carpet and clothing to cookware and food packaging.
In other words, it’s everywhere!

Proposed Biosolid Drying Facility in Norridgewock ME Eyed as Solution to 'SLUDGE' Disposal Crisis
by Dan Lampariello, WGME CBS13 I-Team, August 24th 2023
Waste Management has proposed building a $35 million treatment plant at its Crossroads Landfill in Norridgewock, ME.

Anaergia to build State-of-the-art food waste and wastewater sludge co-digestion facility at Monterey One Water
credit Anaergia, June 6th, 2023
The project will enable the utility to generate 1.6MW of renewable electricity and avoid over 9,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions per year.

Anaergia has announced that it will provide technologies that will enable Monterey One Water, the wastewater utility of northern Monterey County, California, to produce renewable energy from both food waste and wastewater.
The opinions of curated articles published here and not written by Biosolids News - OUTREACH are not necessarily held as the opinions of Biosolids News - OUTREACH, Pacific Advanced or Fusion Energy News International.